Toronto | Momofuku Noodle & Milk Bar
By Naomi September 14, 2014 canada, milk bar, momofuku, reviews, toronto, travel
Two things that I love about Toronto; friends and food.
You'll probably have seen these two lovely ladies on my blog before. Getting together with them is always difficult because their schedules are so filled and they're always off to different places. Thankfully, I caught them just at the right time. Sherv just came back from her tropical filled adventure and Angie, who spent her Summer split between Winnipeg and Kingston came up to spend a fun-filled day with us.
You should have seen my smile when she texted me that she would come over for the weekend to see me and her other friends.
We began our morning with a quick shopping trip down Bloor and then headed over to explore the University of Toronto Campus.
I say explore, but really, it was on our way to our main destination, Momofuku. Knowing that we had a big meal ahead, compounded with the fact that none of us really knew how to find the nearest subway station, we decided to make a 30 minute trek over. Of course, we ran across this fellow and HAD to take a picture.
How can you not?
We mused about how we had all considered UT at one point but decided the campus was way too big for us to ever navigate. You'd have to be seriously directionally talented to be able to survive here, or a human GPS. Really in shape too.
When we finally arrived at our destination, resounding sounds of relief were heard all around. We had gotten there just before the lunch rush had started and were promptly seated and given the option of tap, sparkling or bottle water.
The seats began to fill up as we still struggled with our decision. All the options looked so tempting and it was their 10th noodle anniversary, so we wanted to take advantage of all the choices available.
The three of us finally made an order after 30 minutes of deliberating. Momofuku ramen for Angie, Ginger Scallion Noodle for Sherv, Chilled Spicy Noodle for me, and of course, okonomiyaki to share.
We got so restless while waiting for our food that a round of "usies" were taken, because #asiangirlproblems.
When I lived at Queen's with my housemates, okonomiyaki was our go to midnight study snack. Because I had lived across from a 24/7 Metro, we would all pop out of our rooms randomly and decide that a late night grocery trip was needed to whip this delicious pancake up.
Momofuku took it one level up and slathered it with sauces and tiny pickled vegetables which were light and tangy, a nice contrast with the savoriness of the pancake. You guys have to try this.
I have this soft spot for Ippudo Ramen in Hong Kong for various reasons, the noodles being one of them. Until Momofuku, I had yet to find the perfect balance between softness and the "bounce" that I like in my ramen noodles. Sherv's ginger scallion noodle had a very light and delicate taste while mine had a subtle oil dressing but very intensely flavored pork and candied cashews. I would definitely ask for less oil for mine next time, and the bowls are massive. It looked small in all the pictures I looked at online, but the portions are enough for 2 people since the bowl is so deep.
The Momofuku "empire" actually consists of three floors, each housing a different restaurant catering to different tastes and price ranges. We started at the noodle bar on the bottom and worked our way up to the milk bar on the second level. Located there is a very cold room where they house tons of sweets, creating the perfect finish to your meal.
Also, it was there that we discovered that we weren't the only ones to obsessively take pictures of ourselves. I swear I didn't purposely take a picture of him taking a picture of himself though.
In retrospect, we probably could have just shared one of these, but we decided to spring for cereal milk's. To be honest, this was the most disappointing and overpriced part of the meal. Don't get me wrong, it still tasted great, but like horlick ice cream, nothing special. The cups were also small and the ice cream not fully frozen. For almost 6 dollars, it wasn't worth it.
For further reviews and pictures check out this link !
Very satisfied, the three of us hung out at Eaton's Center for an hour or so fooditising. We were going to shop but ended up sitting on my not so top secret bench on the top floor. If I'm in downtown and just want a place to rest, you'll probably find me there since no one really goes up to the top floor and I get the bench to myself.
Because we all had dinner plans, we decided to end the day off with a brisk stroll around Eaton's, running smack dab into Busker Fest which none of us even knew was going on.
Toronto definitely does things on an entirely new level. Last time I walked into the Pride Parade and now this. There was barely any room to move because there is something new going on on every block that everyone wants to be a part of.
Angie and I eventually decided to give up trying to get through the crowed and the two of us retired to a coffee bar where we people watched and chatted until both of us had to head home.
Highlight of our brief stroll through Busker Fest? Hollowed out pineapples filled with slush (which looked absolutely fantastic), a girl wearing a dress made of balloons, and the dragon which I managed to get half of shot of. But food in general. So much food.
One last crowd picture to end this post because it ain't Toronto without the people.