Delicious Evenings at Scaddabush
By Naomi September 05, 2015 canada, culinary, feature, food, friends, life, personal, reviews, toronto, travel
No one says no to dinner with this one.
If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you'll recognize this boy from my first year adventures (he disappeared to Sweden for exchange in second year). One of my really great friends from Queen's, he has since gone on to bigger better things, and is now working the financial life in Toronto. It's pretty hard to book him for dinner, so when he texted me saying he was free to meet up, I'd be a fool not to say yes!
As I stepped off the metro in my black dress and birkenstocks, he greeted me in his crisp white shirt, a fitted blazer, and a gleaming pair of tan oxfords - making me feel like I should have dressed up for this occasion too.
He recommended that we start the night at a place called Scaddabush, which I've heard about but never been to.
'You HAVE to try the mozzarella' he said.
The waitress echoed his sentiments and proceeded to give us a full on description of their mozzarella
'What makes it so amazing is that they make it fresh in house everyday to order!'.
Not that her speech was really needed. I was sold the moment someone mentioned mozzarella.
Arriving on a large wooden plate that reflects the interior of the restaurant, the very generous portion of fluffy and stringy mozzarella sat in a cast iron pan, situated on top of a bed of perfectly seasoned sun dried tomatoes. On the side? Crisp pieces of bread slathered in butter.
Ugh. Too good.
The size of this appetizer was so large that the two of us were really working to finish it in the end.
It'd be perfect for a group of four.
Before we could recover from the large mozzarella ball, our waitress slid up to our table with two large bowls balanced on her hands.
Agreeing on the capri (19) and zucca (20) , we opted for the large version - because there's no such thing as too much pasta.
Having difficulty deciding which one to try first, I ended up piling both on my plate at the same time. It was a quick competition, and the zucca definitely won this round, so much so that I practically finished the entire plate on my own. Ooops, but no regrets. It was delicious.
We had no problems finishing both plates though.
So at the end of my night, there were two highlights. First the fresh mozzarella and the fresh pasta and secondly, spending my night with an old friend.
The two of us returned to his apartment afterwards and lazed around checking out his very spiffy new wardrobe, and watching documentaries. We laughed over the shenanigans shared, attempted to scare each other, and then sat and simply enjoyed each other's company.
Feels like first year all over again.
For more reviews and information on Scaddabush, please visit this following link